Shangri-La Weather in June

Shangri-La Weather in June

June is the summer in Shangri-La. It is a cool period, when the average maximum temperature is between 10°C/50°F and 19°C/66.2°F, and there are a lot of rainy days in this month.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
19 10 22 6
66.2 50.0 71.6 42.8

Cloudy Days: 7 days

Rainy Days: 23 days

What to wear and bring

Early June

In early June, there are more showery days, and the highest temperature stays around 18°C/64.4°F. It is pleasantly cool, and it is recommended that you wear shorts, long dresses and lightweight coats. Because of rainy days, you need to bring rain gear when going out.


In the middle of the month, the rainfall gradually increases, and the temperature continues to rise. The maximum temperature can reach 22°C/71.6°F. It is recommended that you wear cool clothes such as shirts, shorts and skirts. Rain gear is necessary.


Weather on the Dragon Boat Festival

On the Dragon Boat Festival, it is usually a nice day to go out. For example, the people who are in China have dragon boat races when it is cloudy. It is recommended that you wear skirts, shorts and a vest. And it is necessary to bring rain gear in case of rain.

Late June

In late June, there are almost all showery days, and the temperature situation is similar to the last period. Wear some cool clothing like skirts, shorts and cool shoes. Bringing your rain gear is also necessary.

Historical Shangri-La Weather in June

historical shangri-la weather in juneclick here to enlarge
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