Shangri-La Weather in May

Shangri-La Weather in May

In Shangri-La, it becomes a little hot in May, when the average maximum temperature is around 17°C/62.6°F and the highest temperature can get up to 20°C/68°F. There are a lot of cloudy and rainy days during the month.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
17 5 20 -5
62.6 41.0 68.0 30.2

Cloudy Days: 10 days

Overcast Days: 2 days

Rainy Days: 19 days

What to wear and bring

Early May

In early May, there are cloudy and rainy days. The highest temperature stays around 15°C/59°F, but the minimum remains at 3°C/37.4°F – 5°C/41°F. Because of the low temperature, it is recommended that you wear clothing like sweaters, down jackets and windproof coats. Bring your rain gear in case of rain.


Weather on the Chinese Labor Day (May 1st)

On Labor Day (May 1st), it rains lightly from time to time, with the minimum temperature staying around 3°C/37.4°F. Heavy winter coat are recommended.


Compared to early May, it is hotter in this period, when the maximum temperature can go up to 20°C/68°F. There are mostly cloudy and showery days, and it is recommended that you wear clothing such as cotton coats and sweaters. Bring your rain gear in case of rain.

Late May

The weather situation is similar to last period, with the highest temperature staying around 20°C/68°F. But it rains almost every day, and there are even some heavy rainy days in the end of the month. Wearing clothing like coats and sweaters is adequate. Bring your rain gear and do not stay outside for a long time.

Historical Shangri-La Weather in May

historical shangri-la weather in mayclick here to enlarge
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