Guangzhou Weather in April

Guangzhou Weather in April

The weather in April becomes hotter and hotter. And the highest temperature can reach 30℃/86℉. There are more cloudy days than sunny, with about a week of rainy days.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
26 19 30 11
78.8 66.2 86.0 51.8

Sunny Days: 5 days
Cloudy Days: 10 days
Overcast Days: 8 days
Rainy Days: 7 days

What to wear and bring

Early April
In early April, there are all sunny or overcast days, and the temperature is between 11℃/51.8℉ and 29℃/84.2℉. It is nice to wear cool clothing like dresses and shorts at midday. But it is cold in the morning and evening, so you need wear a coat or sweater to keep warm.
Weather on Tomb Sweeping Day
On Tomb Sweeping Day, it can be quite mild and sunny, with the maximum temperature staying around 29℃/84.2℉. It is recommended to wear light clothing to stay outdoors, such as shorts and skirts. On this day, people in China often need to go out for sweeping.

In mid-January, the highest temperature still stays around 29℃/84.2℉, and the lowest goes down to 14℃/57.2℉. The days are usually sunny, with a couple of rainy days. It is suggested that you wear shorts, sweaters and light coats. Bring your rain gear in case of rain.

Late April
In late April, there are more rainy days than earlier in the month, and the temperature begins to go down, with the highest temperature around 26℃/78.8℉. But it is still suitable to wear shirts at noon, and wear a little warm clothing at other times. Bringing rain gear when you go out is important.

Historical Guangzhou Weather in April

historical guangzhou weather in aprilclick here to enlarge
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