Guangzhou Weather in August

Guangzhou Weather in August

August is also one of the hottest months in Guangzhou, with the average temperature reaching 31℃/87.8℉. However, there is a lot of rainfall during this month.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
31 21 35 24
87.8 77.0 95.0 75.2

Cloudy Days: 7 days
Overcast Days: 4 days
Rainy Days: 20 days

What to wear and bring

Early August
In early August, the overall temperature is generally 27℃/80.6℉ – 33℃/91.4℉. As most of the days are rainy days, it is recommended to wear a short sleeved shirt with short pants, a skirt and a lightweight coat, etc. and bring rain gear.

It is cool in the middle of the month, when the temperature is between 25℃/77℉ and 30℃/86℉. And there are mostly rainy days. It is recommended to wear shorts and a vest, or a short dress.

Late August
In late August, there are a lot of rainy days, but the highest temperature still stays around 34℃/93.2℉. It is recommended that you wear cool clothing such as a vest, a skirt and lightweight pants. Because of rainy days, the ground is often wet and slippery, and you need to avoid falling by wearing reliable shoes.

Historical Guangzhou Weather in August

historical guangzhou weather in augustclick here to enlarge
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