Guiyang Weather in August
August is also one of the hottest months in Guiyang, when the highest temperature can still reach 30℃/86℉. However, there is a lot of rainfall during this month.
Average Maximum | Average Minimum | Highest Maximum | Lowest Minimum | |
℃ | 26 | 19 | 30 | 17 |
℉ | 78.8 | 66.2 | 86 | 62.6 |
Sunny Days: 1 day
Cloudy Days: 11 days
Overcast Days: 1 day
Rainy Days: 18 days
What to wear and bring
Early August
In early August, the overall temperature is generally 20℃/68℉ to 25℃/77℉. As most of the days are rainy days, it is recommended that you wear shorts, or a skirt, and lightweight coats, etc. and bring rain gear.
In the middle of the month, the temperature is higher than the other period, when the highest temperature stays around 30℃/86℉. And there are most rainy and cloudy days. It is recommended that you wear shorts, vests and short dresses.
Late August
In late August, the weather situation is similar to early August. There are rainy and cloudy days. It is recommended that you wear cool clothing such as a vest, and a skirt or lightweight pants. Because of the rainy days, the ground is often wet and slippery, and you need to avoid falling by wearing non-slip shoes.