Guiyang Weather in December
December is one of the coldest months in Guiyang, when there are a lot of cloudy and rainy days, with some overcast days. The average temperature is lower, which is between 2℃/35.6℉ and 9℃/48.2℉, and the lowest temperature declines to 0℃/32℉.
Average Maximum | Average Minimum | Highest Maximum | Lowest Minimum | |
℃ | 9 | 2 | 16 | 0 |
℉ | 48.2 | 35.6 | 60.8 | 32 |
Sunny Days: 1 day
Cloudy Days:12 days
Overcast Days: 10 days
Rainy Days: 8 days
What to wear and bring
Early December
Almost all of the days are cloudyin early December. The temperature is between 4℃/39.2℉ and 18℃/64.4℉. It is recommended that you wear clothing such as windbreakers, sweaters and warm coats.
In mid-December, the temperature begins to go down, with the minimum temperature staying generally around 5℃/41℉, and it is rainy or cloudy during the period. It is recommended that you wear clothing like windbreakers, jackets and heavyweight pants to keep warm.
Late December
The weather situation is similar to the middle of December, when the temperature is between 0℃/32℉ and 15℃/59℉. It is recommended that you wear cotton-padded clothes, warm winter clothes, etc.