Hangzhou Weather in April

Hangzhou Weather in April

In April, it begins to get hot, the average temperature is between 24℃/75.2℉ and 14℃/57.2℉, and the highest temperature can reach 31℃/87.8℉. There are around 11 rainy days.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
24 14 31 6
75.2 57.2 87.8 42.8

Sunny Days: about 8 days
Cloudy Days: about 7 days
Rainy Days: about 11 days
Overcast Days: about 4 days

What to wear and bring?

In early April There are a couple of rainy days, and the temperature is between 6℃/42.8℉ and 15℃/59.0℉. So you need to wear enough warm clothing to keep warm. And on other sunny or cloudy days, you can wear cool clothing like long sleeves even shorts.

In mid-April It is hotter than early April, because the maximum temperature can reach 29℃/84.2℉. Short sleeves and shorts are suitable, and at the same time, don’t forget to protect against ultraviolet radiation with a hat and sunscreen.

In late April In late April, it might rain for a couple of days. You will need to add some clothing to keep warm because the maximum temperature may decline by 6 or 7 degrees, and carry a umbrella when you go out. After it rains, the temperature begins to rise, so you can wear some cool clothing.

Historical Weather in April

historical weather in aprilclick here to enlarge
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