Hangzhou Weather in February

Hangzhou Weather in February

This month is warmer than January, but the lowest temperature is still under 0℃/32℉, which is about -3℃/26.6℉. There are more rainy days and no snowy days.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
10 2 21 -3
50 35.6 69.8 26.6

Sunny Days: about 10 days
Cloudy Days: about 6 days
Rainy Days: about 9 days
Overcast Days: about 3 days

What to wear and bring?

In early February The weather in early February is full of sunny and cloudy days. But the temperature is still between 10℃/50℉ and -3℃/26.6℉. It is recommended that you wear something like a down-filled jacket to keep warm, and sometimes you will also need to wear woolen gloves and a hat.

In mid-February The temperature begins to rise in the middle of the month. The maximum temperature can reach 14℃/57.2℉ and the lowest can go up to 8℃/46.4℉. Therefore, you can wear a sweater with a coat or a thin down-filled jacket.

In late February In late February, the temperature is still rising so that it is between 18℃/64.4℉ and 6℃/42.8℉. However, it is likely to rain heavily for a couple of days. You should wear some warm clothing like down-filled jackets or winter coats, and it is necessary to carry a umbrella when you go out.

Historical Weather in February

historical weather in februaryclick here to enlarge
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