Hong Kong Weather in April

Hong Kong Weather in April

It starts to get hotter in April. The average maximum temperature is 26℃/79℉ and the highest can reach 30℃/86℉. There are more cloudy days, and it is likely to rain lightly for a couple of days.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
5 20

Sunny Days: 5 days
Cloudy Days: 15 days
Rainy Days: 11 days

What to wear and bring?

Early April
The temperature is between 15℃/59℉ and 30℃/86℉. It is recommended that you wear cool clothing like vests and dresses. However, it is a little cold at night, so you need to wear a light coat to keep warm.

Compared to early April, there are more rainy days during this period, and the temperature can go down to 16℃/60.8℉ when it is raining. It is recommended that you wear light and comfortable clothing.

Late April
The weather is similar to early April, and the lowest temperature is between 22℃/71.6℉ and 25℃/77℉. It is hot all day. Wearing cool clothing is necessary, and sunscreen, sunglasses, and a wide-brimmed hat are recommended for outdoor activities.

Historical Hong Kong Weather in April

historical hongkong weather in aprilclick here to enlarge
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