Qingdao Weather in August

August is one of the hottest months and has the most rainfall in the Qingdao year, when the average maximum temperature stays around 29°C/84.2°F, and the highest can reach 35°C/95°F. And there are still lots of rainy days.
Average Maximum | Average Minimum | Highest Maximum | Lowest Minimum | |
℃ | 29 | 25 | 35 | 22 |
℉ | 84.2 | 77.0 | 95.0 | 71.6 |
Sunny Days: 9 days
Cloudy Days: 10 days
Overcast Days: 1 day
Rainy Days: 11 days
What to wear and bring
Early August
In early August, there are more cloudy days than last month, with little rainfall. But tourists still need to pay attention to sun protection. It is recommended to wear shorts, vests and short dresses. And do not stay outdoors for a long time.
The weather situation is similar to early August, and it is still hot during this period. The maximum temperature of every day is above 30°C/86°F. But there are more light rainy days. It is recommended to wear the coolest clothing like a vest, and pay more attention to sun protection.
Late August
In late August, the temperature continues to rise, with the maximum temperature staying generally around 34°C/93.2°F. Compared with early and mid-August, late August is hotter. As it is sunny for most of the time, tourists have to worry about sun protection. It is recommended to wear the coolest clothing, such shorts and vests.
Historical Qingdao Weather in August