Qingdao Weather in May

Qingdao Weather in May

It begins to get warmer in May, and the average temperature is between 13°C/55.4°F and 19°C/66.2°F, while the highest can reach to 17°C/62.6°F. There are a lot of sunny or cloudy days, with some rainy days.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
19 13 27 11
66.2 55.4 80.6 51.8

Sunny Days: 11 days
Cloudy Days: 11 days
Overcast Days: 3 days
Rainy Days: 6 days

What to wear and bring

Early May
In early May, there are some sunny or cloudy days. Sometimes it rains for a couple of days. It is warm and the temperature is between 11°C/51.8°F and 23°C/73.4°F. It is recommended that you wear clothing such as sweaters, windbreakers and heavyweight long sleeves. Bringing your rain gear is necessary.
Weather on the Chinese Labor Day (May 1st)
During Labor Day (May 1st), it is usually cloudy and overcast. The temperature stays around 19°C/66.2°F, and it is suitable to have outdoor activities. But it is a little cold at night. Wear windbreakers, coats and sweaters to keep warm.

The weather is similar to early May, and there are a lot of cloudy or overcast days. As it is cloudy for most of the time, tourists do not have to worry so much about sun protection It is recommended that you wear some clothing like sweaters, windbreakers and long sleeves.

Late May
The temperature is generally higher than other periods in this month. And the highest temperature can reach to 27°C/80.6°F. There are more cloudy days, and few rainy days. It is suggested to wear lightweight coats and sweaters, and women can wear long dresses.

Historical Qingdao Weather in May

historical qingdao weather in mayclick here to enlarge
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