Guilin Weather in February

Guilin Weather in February

Although it is officially spring in Guilin in February, the temperature can fluctuate greatly on cloudy and rainy days. Most days in February are overcast and rainy.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
14 7 24 1
57.2 44.6 75.2 33.8

Sunny Days: 4 days

Cloudy Days: 15 days

Rainy Days:9 days

What to wear and bring?

In early February

It is still chilly in early February as the minimum temperature is around 2°C. But the minimum temperature can reach 8°C by the end of early February. Put on sweaters, pullovers, cotton-padded winter clothes and other warm clothes in the day time. Always note the temperature fluctuations. Wear warmer clothes at nighttime.


Weather on New Year's Eve (Chuxi) and the Spring Festival (Chunjie), a consecutive two-day festival.New Year's Eve and the Spring Festival come on two consecutive days. As they can fall earlier or later on the solar calendar, the weather could vary accordingly. As New Year's Eve and the Spring Festival in 2019 separately fall on February 4th and 5th, the time with the harshest weather in Guilin, it is recommended to wear down jackets and cotton-padded clothes. You can join the festival atmosphere by wearing Chinese red (a high saturation red color, which not everyone may find easy to handle) clothes.

In mid-February

In mid-February, the temperature rises. The minimum temperature stays around 7°C in the beginning and may reach 18°C soon after that. The maximum temperature fluctuates between 18 and 24°C. The cloudy and rainy days count for most situations. It is advised to put on windbreakers and thin cotton-padded jackets. A down jacket could also be quite handy. Always remember to bring rain gear.


Weather during the Lantern Festival (Yuanxiao Jie) The Lantern Festival is when the first full moon appears after the Spring Festival. As one of the traditional Chinese lunar festivals, people like to taste Chinese specialties – Yuan Xiao (Tang Yuan), the name depends on the region of China you visit. An outing in one of the most southern cities is a pleasant experience. The Lantern Festival in 2019 falls on February 19, basically in either mid or late February. At this time, the weather is warmer, but the temperature differences between day and night are obvious. It is natural to wear sweaters and cotton-padded jackets during the day trip, and down jackets to fight against the chill in the evening.

In late February

The weather in late February is basically the same as that in mid-February. Sunny days can hardly be expected. As the minimum temperature is around 10°C, please wear clothes such as windbreakers and leather jackets to keep warm. Bring along rain gear for any outing.

Historical Guilin Weather in February

historical guilin weather in februaryclick here to enlarge
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