Guilin Weather in March

Guilin Weather in March

In March, the temperature surges in Guilin. The climate is warm and humid during this month. There are a few sunny days. A tour in such a spring is surely a different experience.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum

Sunny Days: 3 days
Cloudy Days: 13 days
Rainy Days: 15 days

What to wear and bring?

In early March
At the beginning of March, the temperature in Guilin rises sharply, reaching a maximum of 26°C. The daily temperature ranges between 15 and 26°C. Continuous rainfall could result in a temperature fluctuation in the middle of early March. The temperature will drop below 10°C. It is recommended to wear a button-up shirt and a sweater. A jacket could be handy in the chilly and rainy days. Bring rain gear with you.

In mid-March
In mid-March, Guilin embraces the spring. The temperature stands between 15 and 23°C with no significant fluctuation. However, as the temperature differences between day and night are still large, it is wise to wear windbreakers, thin coats, etc. for any outing. The temperature drops sharply at night. Please put on thin cotton-padded jackets.

In late March
The temperature in late March resembles that in the mid-March, only with a little rainfall. Even the temperature at night does not fluctuate greatly. The temperature during the day can rise significantly to 28°C. It is mostly cloudy and rainy, and sunny occasionally. Choose thin shirts, T-shirts and other short sleeves. Sun protection is a must even on the overcast days.

Historical Guilin Weather in March

historical guilin weather in marchclick here to enlarge
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