Kunming Weather in January

Kunming Weather in January

The weather in Kunming is pleasant, and there are about 19 sunny days in the month. The average maximum temperature is 15℃/59℉ while the average minimum temperature is 4℃/39.2℉. In addition, there are more rainy days and with less snow than next month.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum

Sunny days: 19 days
Cloudy Days: 4 days
Rainy Days: 5 days
Overcast dyas: 2 days
Snowy days: 1 day

What to wear and bring

Early January
In early January, you can expect some rainy days, with light to moderate rain. You will want to bring rain gear to go out. The temperature can be from 1℃/33.8℉ to 18℃/64.4℉. It is recommended that you wear warm clothing such as a wind-proof coat, a leather jacket, or other jacket, and a thin sweater.

It can be warmer on New Year's day, with a maximum temperature of 13℃/55.4℉, and a minimum temperature of 8℃/46.4℉. On this often cloudy day, you just need to wear a long-sleeved shirt, with a jacket, pants and shoes with soft soles.

The middle period of this month is relatively warm, the days are mostly sunny but there are some cloudy days. While the lowest minimum temperature is 0℃/32℉. You should wear thick pants, shoes with soft soles, and a long-sleeved shirt with a wind-proof coat.

Late January
Compared to mid-January, the maximum temperature goes down to 7℃/44.6℉, and it is especially important to keep warm. So it is suggested that you wear warm clothing such as a wind-proof coat, a jacket, or a sweater. It might rain, so you’d better take an umbrella.

Historical Kunming Weather in January

historical kunming weather in januaryclick here to enlarge
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