Kunming Weather in June

Kunming Weather in June

The daytime average temperatures vary between about 16℃/60.8℉ and 23℃/73.4℉. Among them, the highest maximum temperature is about 27℃/80.6℉ from the beginning of the month. There are likely to be about 24 rainy days in the whole month, the rest of the time it is mostly cloudy.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
23 16 27 14
73.4 60.8 80.6 57.2

Sunny Days: 1 day
Cloudy Days: 5 days
Rainy Days: 24 days

What to wear and bring

Early June
In early June, there are more rainy days than sunny days. The temperature can be from 14℃/57.2℉ to 27℃/80.6℉. You should wear shirts, thin sweaters, jackets or other casual clothing. It is necessary to take rain gear to go outside.

In the middle of this period the minimum temperature stays around 14℃/57.2℉. There are more rainy days, when there are generally some showers and even moderate rain. You will need to wear warm clothes such as long sleeved shirts, thin pants and wind-proof coats. Don’t forget to take an umbrella to go out and keep yourself safe with water-proof shoes.

Late June
The weather is similar to mid-June, and there might be a couple of cloudy days, but mostly rainy days, with the floors often being wet and slippery. You should keep yourself safe with water-proof shoes. Long sleeved shirts, skirts, and a jacket are adequate clothing.

Historical Kunming Weather in June

historical kunming weather in juneclick here to enlarge
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