Kunming Weather in May

Kunming Weather in May

Kunming weather in May is similar to last month, and the highest maximum temperature is 28℃/82.4℉. The lowest minimum goes down to 13℃/55.4℉. The air is more humid because there are about 14 rainy days.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
24 14 28 13
75.2 57.2 82.4 55.4

Sunny Days: 11 days
Cloudy Days: 6 days
Rainy Days: 14 days

What to wear and bring

Early May
In early May, there could be a couple of showers and a couple of days of moderate rain, and the maximum temperature is between 19℃/66.2℉ and 28℃/82.4℉. Shorts and short sleeves are a comfortable clothing combination. Taking an umbrella with you all the time is also a good idea.
It is often cloudy on Labor Day (May 1st). The maximum temperature is about 26℃/78.8℉ and the minimum temperature is about 14℃/57.2℉. It is pleasant enough that you can go out and have a good time.

The middle period of this month is usually relatively hot, and the days are mostly sunny days with some cloudy days. The minimum temperature is around 14℃/57.2℉ and the maximum temperature can be from 22℃/71.6℉ to 28℃/82.4℉. You will need to wear short sleeves and shorts. But don’t forget to watch out for sunburn. A hat and moisturizing sunscreen lotion are good choices.

Late May
Compared to mid-May, the temperatures in late May are cool for the month, but the minimum temperature is around 16℃/60.8℉. Long sleeves, shirts, thin pants, casual clothing and a thin coat are adequate clothing.

Historical Kunming Weather in May

historical kunming weather in mayclick here to enlarge
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