Shanghai Weather in April

Shanghai Weather in April

Spring has thoroughly taken hold by April in Shanghai. It drizzles frequently. The warmth in the day time and the coolness in the dawn and dusk are features of this period.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
22 14 30 8
71.6 57.2 86 46.4

Sunny Days: 9 days

Cloudy Days: 5 days

Rainy Days: 16 days

What to wear and bring?

In early April

Changeable weather requires clothing that offers both warmth and ventilation. Tweed, full cotton, fine canvas and corduroy are reasonable materials for spring.


Weather on Tomb-Sweeping Day:

In recent years, Tomb-Sweeping Day has always been sunny. But that doesn’t mean it won’t ever rain on that day. Please note the weather forecast and bring rain gear.

In mid-April

In the blossom season, pollens in the air can be inconvenient to those who suffer from allergies. You might want to wear a face mask to avoid being exposed to allergens. Keep your normal antihistamines on hand if you get hay fever.

In late April

Outerwear, comfortable cool clothing, and a cotton shirt or t-shirt should work in the daytime. Please put on thick sweaters, cotton socks and waterproof warm shoes in cold night, and take along rain gear and changes of clothes on rainy days.

Historical Shanghai Weather in April

historical shanghai weather in aprilclick here to enlarge
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