Shanghai Weather in September

Shanghai Weather in September

The heat still lingers in the beginning of the autumn in Shanghai. And in mid-September typhoons are expected. A few rainstorms finally bring down the temperature.

Average Maximum Average MinimumHighest Maximum Lowest Minimum
282334 19

Sunny Days: 5 days

Cloudy Days: 4 days

Rainy Days: 11 days

What to wear and bring?

In early September

Comfort and physical protection should also be considered when choosing clothes. In addition to practicality, and decency, the clothing should be suitable for activities and health. Bring drinking bottles and water facial spray on dry days to hydrate your skin and replenish water.

In mid-September

The temperature seems to rise and fall randomly. It is quite wise to put on appropriate clothes when it suddenly gets chilly.

In late September

The temperature has fallen enough for people to feel quite cool and comfortable. Thin outerwear and summer clothing is both practical and aesthetic. Don’t forget to bring rain gear for rainy days as reported.


Weather during Mid-Autumn Festival:

When it rains during the daytime, the temperature drops in the evening. Put on outerwear to enjoy the full moon outdoors.

Historical Shanghai Weather in September

historical shanghai weather in septemberclick here to enlarge
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