Shanghai Weather in August

Shanghai Weather in August

For early and mid-August, the high temperature stays around. When it comes to late August, the air begins cooling down.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
33 27 38 24
91.4 80.6 100 75.2

Sunny Days: 1 day
Cloudy Days: 4 days

Rainy Days: 26 days

What to wear and bring?

In early August

Thin cotton shirts, short skirts and shorts that offer coolness and ventilation can be put on in the daytime. Cotton and linen short sleeved shirts, long thin dresses and t-shirts that offer ventilation and coolness can be put on in the evening.

In mid-August

Short sleeved shirts, long thin dresses and t-shirts are good choices. Loose and unfastened waist parts for the summer clothing can help ventilation.

In late August

The hot summer is coming to an end in late August and the temperature begins dropping. Rain gear, long sleeved thin shirts and pants should be prepared for changing weather. Be aware of occasional typhoons and rainstorms.

Historical Shanghai Weather in August

historical shanghai weather in augustclick here to enlarge
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