Shanghai Weather in December

Shanghai Weather in December

Winter comes to Shanghai in December. Incoming cold air brings down the temperature. The wind blows heavily and the air is mostly clear.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
11 5 16 -2
51.8 41 60.8 28.4

Sunny Days: 16 days

Cloudy Days: 8 days

Rainy Days: 7 days

What to wear and bring?

In early December

The temperature is low but it can be a little warmer in the daytime. Please put on windbreakers, jackets, sweaters and casual sets in the day and thick woolen sweaters, a thermal base layer, cashmere woolen coats, padded coats and down jackets in the nighttime.

In mid-December

The clothes worn on the cold, dry days should be loose and warm. There can be ice covering outdoor surfaces. Use insoles and put on shoes with thick and antiskid soles to insulate your feet from cold ground.

In late December

The body felt temperature is quite low. When shopping in super malls in Shanghai where the central heating is good, take off down jackets or thick outerwear and just wear woolen sweaters. Put on outerwear again before stepping out of the mall to avoid catching a cold from the huge temperature difference indoors and outdoors.

Historical Shanghai Weather in December

historical shanghai weather in decemberclick here to enlarge
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