Shanghai Weather in March

Shanghai Weather in March

People are likely to experience changeable weather in Shanghai in March. Morning fogs, rains, and gusts of wind come in the daytime and the temperature drops at night. Temperature fluctuation is normal. Generally, spring comes in mid-March.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
14 8 21 2
57.2 46.4 69.8 35.6

Sunny Days: 6 days

Cloudy Days: 12 days

Rainy Days: 13 days

What to wear and bring?

In early March

It is appropriate to put on soft and close-fitting warm clothing in the alternating weather. Always keep your legs and feet warm. Keep winter clothes handy in this time when people are susceptible to illness.

In mid-March

People can finally follow their hearts in the choice of clothing. Various fine knits, jackets, long coats, sweaters, shirts and pants or leggings will bring forward a refreshing appearance. Rain gear and waterproof shoes can be used on rainy days.

In late March

People may catch a cold in the quickly changing weather. So it would be best to bring along appropriate cold medicine. The temperature differences in a day require a more flexible wearing change between knits, windbreakers or casual suits. Consider applying sunblock cream for outdoor activities on sunny days.

Historical Shanghai Weather in March

historical shanghai weather in marchclick here to enlarge
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