Datong Weather in June

Datong Weather in June

June is one of the hottest months in Datong, when the average maximum temperature stays around 29℃/84.2℉. And there are mostly cloudy or sunny days, with a few rainy days.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
29 13 33 10
84.2 55.4 91.4 50

Sunny Days: 10 days
Cloudy Days: 12 days
Overcast Days: 2 days
Rainy Days: 6 days

What to wear and bring

Early June
In early June, the temperature is between 10℃/50.0℉ and 30℃/86.0℉. As the days are mostly sunny, it is recommended that you wear vests, and shorts or a skirt. Sunscreen, sunglasses, and a wide-brimmed hat are recommended for outdoor activities.

In the middle of the month, the maximum temperature is between 26℃/78.8℉ and 31℃/87.8℉. And there are mostly sunny days, with a couple of rainy days. It is recommended that you wear cool clothes such as vest, and shorts or a skirt. And bring an umbrella in case of rain.
Weather on the Dragon Boat Festival
On the Dragon Boat Festival, it is often cloudy and hot. It is recommended that you wear a short skirt, or short pants, and a vest. Because of the high temperature, do no stay outdoors for a long time.

Late June
It is the hottest period during the month, when the maximum temperature is between 27℃/80.6℉ and 33℃/91.4℉. And the ultraviolet radiation is very strong so it is recommended that you wear cool clothing like a vest and shorts to keep cool. Sunscreen is also important.

Historical Datong Weather in June

historical datong weather in juneclick here to enlarge
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