Datong Weather in September

Datong Weather in September

It begins to get cool in September in Datong, and the average temperature is between 6℃/42.8℉ and 19℃/66.2℉. There are sunny or cloudy days, with some rainy days.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
19 6 26 0
66.2 42.8 78.8 32

Sunny Days: 10 days
Cloudy Days: 7 days
Overcast Days: 4 days
Rainy Days: 9 days

What to wear and bring

Early September
Early September is the period which has the highest temperature this month. The highest temperature stays around 26℃/78.8℉. It is recommended that you wear cool clothing such as short sleeves or thin long sleeves. Because of the rainy days, you need bring rain gear.

There are more rainy days during this period, and the temperature begins to drop, staying between 2℃/35.6℉ and 23℃/73.4℉. It is pleasant enough to wear a T-shirt with long pants, or put on a light coat. And don’t forget to bring an umbrella when you go out.

Late September
The weather is similar to the middle of September, and there are more sunny days, with a few rainy days, when the maximum temperature is around 18℃/64.4℉. It is recommended that you wear long sleeves and coats.
Weather on the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival
On the Mid-Autumn Festival, it is a little cold in Datong, when the temperature is between 6℃/42.8℉ and 17℃/62.6℉, and the days are often cloudy. It is suggested that you wear a coat or sweater to keep warm.

Historical Datong Weather in September

historical datong weather in septemberclick here to enlarge
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