Datong Weather in March

Datong Weather in March

The weather in Datong this month is a little warmer than February, and the average maximum temperature can reach 10℃/50.0℉. There are mostly cloudy or sunny days, with a couple of rainy days.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
10 -7 19 -12
50 19.4 66.2 10.4

Sunny Days: 8 days
Cloudy Days: 16 days
Overcast Days: 5 days
Rainy Days: 2 days

What to wear and bring

Early March
Early March is the coldest period in the month, when the lowest temperature is between -12℃/10.4℉ and -1℃/30.2℉. There are more cloudy days than rainy days. So, it is recommended that you wear sweaters and padded jackets, etc. to keep warm, and carry rain gear when you go out.
Weather on the Chinese Lantern Festival
On the Lantern Festival, it can be a little cold and cloudy. The high temperature stays around 11℃/51.8℉. There are some outdoor activities to celebrate the festival on the day. As the day is cloudy, it is recommended that you wear down-filled jackets, sweaters and other warm clothes.

The weather situation is similar to early March, and there are mostly cloudy or sunny days, with no rain. It is suggested that you wear clothing such as down jackets, sweaters and winter coats.

Late March
After mid-March, the temperature starts to rise for the whole of late March, when the highest temperature can reach 19℃/66.2℉. As most of the days are cloudy days, it is recommended that you wear sweaters and padded jackets, etc.

Historical Datong Weather in March

historical datong weather in marchclick here to enlarge
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