Huangshan Weather in September

Huangshan Weather in September

Compared to last month, the weather is cooler, as the lowest minimum temperature drops to 17℃/62.6℉. The average maximum temperature is about 29.7℃/85.46℉. There are probably a couple of sunny days during this month.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
29.7 21.5 34 17
85.46 70.7 93.2 62.6

Sunny Days: about 2 days
Cloudy Days: about 5 days
Rainy Days: about 20 days
Overcast Days: about 3 days

What to wear and bring?

In early September
The weather is similar to last month, but there are more rainy days, with the maximum temperature for early September staying above 29℃/84.2℉. Shorts and short sleeves are a comfortable clothing combination. Taking an umbrella with you all the time is also a good idea.

In mid-September
In mid-September, the minimum temperature is around 19℃/66.2℉. The maximum temperature is 32℃/89.6℉. There are likely to be some rainy days and some cloudy days so it is recommended that you bring an umbrella and wear short sleeves with a thin coat, and casual pants or thin trousers.

In late September
It rains a lot during this time, and the minimum temperature is between 17℃/62.6℉ and 25℃/77℉. It may rain around the time of the Dragon Boat Festival, with an average temperature of 29℃/84.2℉, and on this rainy day, you should bring rain gear and wear casual clothes, and a wind-proof coat or a jacket. It is necessary to keep warm and prevent colds.

Historical Weather in September

historical weather in septemberclick here to enlarge
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