Lijiang Weather in February

Lijiang Weather in February

During February, the highest temperature in the day time in Lijiang remains between 15 and 20°C (59 – 68°F) with more precipitation. The temperature in the evening begins to pick up and is stable at around 3°C (37°F). But the temperature differences between day and night mean adding or removing layers in a timely fashion.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
15 2 20 -1
59 35.6 68 30.2

Sunny Days: 12 days
Cloudy Days: 10 days
Rainy Days: 6 days

What to wear and bring?

Early February

It is mostly cloudy or overcast with drizzle. Rain gear is a proper choice for outings. There are no significant temperature fluctuations in early February and the temperature stays around 5 to 15°C (41 – 59°F) . However, the temperature difference cannot be overlooked. It is recommended that you put on woolen sweaters in the day time and wear a windbreaker to keep warm. 


Forecast for the Spring Festival holidays

The Spring Festival for the Year of the Pig falls on the 5th day of February, on which date a clear day can be expected. The temperature can go between 4 and 13°C (39 – 54°F) then. Tourists can feel the excitement in the air during the Spring Festival. It is recommended that you put on warm clothing.


The temperature in Lijiang in mid-February picks up a little and stays around 3 to 18°C (37 – 64°F). It is mostly clear and dry. The temperature difference between day and night is great. Wearing woolen jackets in the day time and adding more layers in the evening such as padded jackets can help to avoid catching a cold.

Forecasts for the Lantern Festival

The Lantern Festival for the Year of the Pig falls on the 19th day of February, on which date a clear day can be expected. The temperature can go between 3 and 18°C (37 – 64°F) then. The temperature difference is great. It is recommended that you put on windbreakers in the day time and down jackets in the evening to shield against the cold.

Late February

The temperature in late February resembles that in early February. The temperature can drop to freezing point with showers. The temperature differences between day and night increase. The daily temperatures fluctuate between 2 and 18°C (35 – 64°F). It is recommended that you put on coats in the day time and add warm clothing such as woolen sweaters in the evening if necessary.

Historical Lijiang Weather in February

historical lijiang weather in februaryclick here to enlarge
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