Lijiang Weather in June

Lijiang Weather in June

June is the prelude of summer for Lijiang. For a city that enjoys cool weather in summer and warm weather in winter, June here is neither too hot nor to too cold. The temperature is moderately even at this time, with the average value between 14 and 24°C (57 – 75°F). Lijiang enters the rainy season in June, during which time there is rain all the month around and the temperature difference between day and night is great. Lijiang in the rain offers fresh vistas like a different painted scroll.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
22 14 28 10
71.6 57.2 82.4 50

Cloudy Days: 4 days
Rainy Days: 26 days

What to wear and bring?

Early June

The beginning of the rainy season is marked by sprinkles of rain, moderate rains and sudden showers. For 1 or 2 days, it is cloudy. The temperature is usually between 12 and 23°C (54 – 73°F) in one day. As it can rain at any moment, do bring rain gear for any outing. Wear thin clothing in the day time and add a jacket in the relatively cold night.

Forecasts for the Dragon Boat Festival

The Dragon Boat Festival is the fifth day of the fifth month on the lunar calendar and it falls on June 7 in 2019. The temperature is between 13 and 25°C (55 – 77°F) and it is usually cloudy. Bring rain gear in case of rainfall. It is recommended that you put on thin T-shirts in the day time and add hoodies in case of the cool night.


The precipitation of mid-June could possibly see more rainfall. It is usually moderate rain and it can be cloudy for 1 or 2 days. The lowest temperature in the evening stays around 15°C (59°F) and the torrential rains bring down the highest temperature from as high as 28 to 17°C (82 down to 63°F). Please keep warm and add or take off clothes in a timely fashion. Consider wearing hoodies or thin shirts in the day time and adding a thin jacket at night time.

Late June

The temperature in late June may rise and the average temperature stays around 16 and 22°C (61 – 72°F). The weather conditions are mostly moderate rains or showers. It is recommended that you put on cotton and linen shirts or other air permeable clothing.

Historical Lijiang Weather in June

historical lijiang weather in juneclick here to enlarge
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