Lijiang Weather in July

Lijiang Weather in July

The precipitation in Lijiang in July is typical for the rainy season. It is pretty cool during the long-lasting torrential rains. It is a popular traveling season. The average temperature stays around 15 and 23°C (59 – 73°F) in Lijiang, and the highest temperature is capped at 26°C (79°C). The city offers a fantastic view in the rain.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
22 14 26 11
71.6 57.2 78.8 51.8

Cloudy Days: 2 days
Rainy Days: 29 days

What to wear and bring?

Early July

Light rains and moderate rains in early July dominate the weather conditions although it rains heavily and even pours from time to time. The average temperature stays between 14 and 22°C (57 – 72°F). Heavy rains show up in the end of the early July. Temperatures drop with the strong rains and they can reach between 11 and 18°C (52 – 64°F). It is proper to put on T-shirts in the day time and add jackets in the evening. Please prepare hoodies on the rainy days to avoid catching a cold from the dropped temperature. Bring rain gear for outings.


The average temperature in mid-July is 13 to 24°C (55 – 75°F) and the main weather condition is light rains and moderate rains. It can be cloudy for 1 or 2 days. The temperature differences between day and night is relatively great. Bringing rain gear and warm jackets is a wise choice. Thin shirts are good for outings in the day time. The heat from sunlight exposure can be strongly felt, so wear thin shirts in the day time.

Late July

Most of the time, it drizzles and there are showers. The average temperature stays around 14 to 23°C (57 – 73°F). The temperature differences are great. Bring rain gear for outings. Thin T-shirts are good for the day time. Windproof coats should be prepared. Add or take off clothes timely in the outdoor activities in the evening if necessary.

Historical Lijiang Weather in July

historical lijiang weather in julyclick here to enlarge
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