Chengdu Weather in February
The weather in February has mostly cloudy, low temperature days. The lowest minimum is 0°C/32°F, while the average minimum temperature is about 4°C/39.2°F. There are unlikely to be any sunny days this month.
Average Maximum | Average Minimum | Highest Maximum | Lowest Minimum | |
℃ | 12 | 4 | 19 | 0 |
℉ | 53.6 | 39.2 | 66.2 | 32 |
Sunny Days: 0 days
Cloudy Days: about 19 days
Rainy Days: about 6 days
Overcast Days: about 3 days
What to wear and bring?
Early February
In early February, the minimum temperature is usually around 0°C/32°F. You should wear a warm coat all the time so that you don’t get cold. And there are likely to be about three days with rain. Taking an umbrella to go out is always a good idea.
In Mid-February, there are more cloudy days. The maximum temperature is usually about 17°C/62.6°F. The minimum temperature is usually about 0°C/32°C. During the week-long Spring Festival holiday, the temperature stays between 17°C/62.6°F and 5°C/41°F. Long sleeves, trousers, and coats that can keep you warm are recommended.
Late February
Compared to Mid-February, there are more cloudy days and some rainy days. The temperature during this period rises a bit. The maximum temperature in mid-January is around 19°C/66.2°F. If you go out, you need to take rain gear, long sleeved clothing, trousers and a coat.