Chengdu Weather in March
The temperatures in March are a little warmer than February. The average maximum is 20°C/68°F. The average minimum is 12°C/53.6°F. There are only likely to be a couple of sunny days.
Average Maximum | Average Minimum | Highest Maximum | Lowest Minimum | |
℃ | 20 | 12 | 27 | 5 |
℉ | 68 | 53.6 | 80.6 | 41 |
Sunny Days: about 2 days
Cloudy Days: about 15 days
Rainy Days: about 8 days
Overcast Days: about 6 days
What to wear and bring?
Early March
The weather in early March is cool, with the average maximum being around 20°C/68°F. There are likely to be several days of rain. You should bring an umbrella as well as water-proof shoes to avoid slipping easily when the ground is wet.
The lowest temperature in Mid-March is usually around 5°C/41°F, while the highest maximum is about 27°C/80.6°F. You are warned that the weather is unpredictable, and as it is getting cold you should wear long sleeves, trousers and a coat.
Late March
In late March, the minimum temperature is usually between 11°C/51.8°F and 15°C/59°F. There are more cloudy days and overcast days. You might need to wear long sleeves, trousers and a coat.