Chengdu Weather in June
It is hot in June, and the average temperature is between 28°C/82.4°F and 20°C/68°F. It rains a lot in this month, sometimes for up to 13 days. The rest of the month has more cloudy days and overcast days.
Average Maximum | Average Minimum | Highest Maximum | Lowest Minimum | |
℃ | 28 | 20 | 33 | 15 |
℉ | 82.4 | 68 | 91.4 | 59 |
Sunny Days: about 3 days
Cloudy Days: about 7 days
Rainy Days: about 13 days
Overcast Days: about 7 days
What to wear and bring?
Early June
This is the period which has less rainy days and more sunny and cloudy days. Therefore, protecting yourself from sunburn is important. Wear the coolest clothing possible, skirts, shorts, and sandles.
The middle period of this month is relatively hot, and it is recommended that you wear the coolest clothing, such as short sleeves with light trousers or shorts and dresses.
Late June
The days in late June are mostly rainy days, while the temperature is still between 33°C/91.4°F and 29°C/84.2°F. Therefore, you need to wear cool clothing, and you should carry rain gear to keep dry when going out.