Dali Weather in August

Dali Weather in August

The weather situation is similar to July, with the highest maximum temperature being up to 28℃/82.4℉, while the average minimum temperature is about 15℃/59℉. It may be muggy weather as it is in the rainy season.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
25 16 28 15
77.0 60.8 82.4 59.0

Cloudy Days: 1 day
Rainy Days: 30 days

What to wear and bring

Early August
In early August, there could be up to 8 rainy days, with light to heavy rain. The rest of the weather is just showery. It is recommended that you need to take an umbrella, wear non-slippery shoes and a water-proof coat.

In the middle of this period, the minimum temperature stays at around 17℃/62.6℉, and the maximum temperature is between 23℃/73.4℉ and 27℃/80.6℉. You could wear cool clothing such as short skirts, or shorts, and a T-shirt. Don’t forget to take rain gear when you go out.

Late August
The weather is similar to mid-August, but there might be more rainy days, with light rain. Things get damp easily, with the floors often being wet and slippery. You should keep things dry and keep yourself safe with water-proof shoes. The temperature can be from 16℃/60.8℉ to 28℃/82.4℉. Short sleeves, short pants and a T-shirt are adequate clothing.

Historical Dali Weather in August

historical dali weather in augustclick here to enlarge
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