Dali Weather in September

Dali Weather in September

The daytime average temperatures vary between a maximum of 24.9℃/76.82℉ and a minimum of 16℃/60.8℉, while the highest temperature is about 27℃/80.6℉. There are likely to be about 24 rainy days in the whole month, the rest of the time it is mostly cloudy.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
25 16 27 14
77.0 60.8 80.6 57.2

Cloudy Days: 6 days
Rainy Days: 24 days

What to wear and bring

Early September
Early in the month there could be up to a week of rainy days. You should bring an umbrella and wear water-proof shoes. The maximum temperature is 27℃/80.6℉ and the minimum temperature is around 16℃/60.8℉. Short sleeves with trousers and a thin coat is adequate clothing.

The middle period of this month is a little cool, as the days are mostly rainy days with some cloudy days. The minimum temperature is from 14℃/57.2℉ to 17℃/62.6℉. You will need to wear casual pants, or bring a thin coat to prevent feeling cold. Taking an umbrella with you all the time is also a good idea.

Late September
In Late September, there could be more showers and a couple of cloudy days, besides the temperature is between 15℃/59℉ and 27℃/80.6℉. You could wear long sleeves, casual pants, or bring a thin coat. It is necessary to bring an umbrella when you go out.
Weather on the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival
On Mid-Autumn day, the maximum temperature is likely to be 27℃/80.6℉, and the minimum temperature about 16℃/60.8℉. On this cloudy day, you just need to wear a long sleeved shirt, with pants or other casual clothes.

Historical Dali Weather in September

historical dali weather in septemberclick here to enlarge
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