Dali Weather in February

Dali Weather in February

The temperature in February rises a bit. The average maximum temperate has climbed to 18℃/64.4℉ and the average minimum is 5℃/41℉. There are lots of sunny days and not much rainfall during this month.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum

Sunny Days: 17 days
Cloudy Days: 5 days
Rainy Days: 4 days
Overcast Days: 2 days

What to wear and bring

Early February
In early February, there are a couple of overcast days, and the lowest minimum temperature is 2℃/35.6℉. The maximum temperature is between 13℃/55.4℉ and 20℃/68℉. You will need to wear warm clothing such as wind proof coats, leather jackets or a down filled jacket. Don’t forget to take an umbrella in case it rains.

The middle period of this month can be very dry, because of rising temperatures combined with less rain. It is necessary to stay hydrated and wear wind proof coats or leather jackets with warm pants.
Weather on the Chinese Spring Festival
During the Spring Festival, there are lots of sunny days. The maximum temperature is around 21℃/69.8℉, and the minimum temperature is 4℃/39.2℉. On this usually sunny day, you just need to wear a long sleeved shirt, with a thick jacket, thick pants and shoes with soft soles.

Late February
In late February, the weather is similar to mid-February. The temperature can be from 18℃/64.4℉ to 22℃/71.6℉. There will be a couple of showers, so you should go out with an umbrella. Long sleeves, thick jeans, wind proof coats and jackets are adequate clothing.

Historical Dali Weather in February

historical dali weather in februaryclick here to enlarge
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