Dali Weather in June

Dali Weather in June

Compared to last month, the temperature is little bit higher, and the daytime average temperature is 16℃/60.8℉. There are likely to be about 26 rainy days in the whole month, the rest of the time it is mostly cloudy.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
25 16 30 13
77.0 60.8 86.0 55.4

Cloudy Days: 4 days
Rainy Days: 26 days

What to wear and bring

Early June
In the early June, there are lots of rainy days, with light to moderate rain. The temperature is around 14℃/57.2℉. Casual pants and shirts are a comfortable clothing combination. Taking an umbrella with you all the time is also a good idea.

Compared to earlier, the middle period of this month is hot. The days are mostly rainy days and some cloudy days, with the minimum temperature around 16℃/60.8℉. You will need to wear short sleeves and shorts. But don’t forget to bring an umbrella and carry rain gear.
Weather on the Dragon Boat Festival
On the Dragon Boat Festival, the maximum temperature is likely to be about 30℃/86℉, and the minimum temperature around 17℃/62.6℉. On this usually cloudy day, you just need to wear short sleeves and shorts.

Late June
The weather is similar to mid-June, and there might be mostly rainy days, so the floors will often be wet and slippery. You should keep yourself safe with water-proof shoes. The temperature can be from 16℃/60.8℉ to 27℃/80.6℉. Short sleeves, with a skirt or shorts, and a jacket are adequate clothing.

Historical Dali Weather in June

historical dali weather in juneclick here to enlarge
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