Xi'an Weather in August

Xi'an Weather in August

It rains a lot in August, sometimes for up to 16 days. This can bring the maximum temperature down to 18℃/64.4℉. But at the beginning of the month there are still hot days with a maximum temperature that reaches 38℃/100.4℉ or 39℃/102.2℉.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum

Sunny Days: 6 days
Cloudy Days: 8 days
Rainy Days: 16 days
Overcast Days: 1 day

What to wear and bring

Early August
The maximum temperature early in the month stays at around 36℃/96.8℉, except for the couple of days which have moderate or heavy rain. It is sunny on the rest of the days. Protecting yourself from sunburn is important.

Compared to early in the month, the temperature during this period is a bit lower. There are likely to be several days with moderate rainfall . You should carry rain gear to keep dry when going out. Wear the coolest clothing possible, skirts, shorts, sandles etc.

Late August
It is a rain-intensive period in late August, with rain almost every day. At the end of the month there are likely to be several consecutive days with moderate to heavy rain. The maximum temperatures around this time decrease to 24℃/75.2℉. Hence, remember to put on more layers of clothing as autumn is about to come.

Historical Xi'an Weather in August

historical xian weather in augustclick here to enlarge
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