Xi'an Weather in January

 Xi'an Weather in January

The winter in Xi’an is cold and dry. January is the coldest month, but with less snow. The average temperature drops to -0.5℃/31.1℉. Being influenced by strong, cold winter weather from the north, extreme minimum temperatures can drop to -10 ℃/14℉. Rainfall is scarce and the climate is dry.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
2 -5 10 -9

Sunny Days: 8 days
Cloudy Days: 11 days
Overcast Days: 5 days
Rainy Days: 1 day
Snow Days: 6 days

What to wear and bring

Early January
In early January, there are some rainy days and some snowy days, and it may even snow continuously for a couple of days early in the month. It is recommended that you wear warm clothing such as woolen clothes, padded winter coats, leather jackets, down jackets, and fur coats. The ground is often wet and slippery, and you need to avoid falling by wearing shoes that do now skid or slip easily.

It can be warmer on New Year's day, with a maximum temperature of 9℃/48.2℉, and a minimum temperature of only -1℃/30.2℉. On this cloudy day, you just need to wear a thick sweater, with a down jacket, thick pants and shoes with soft soles.

The middle period of this month is relatively warm, the days are mostly sunny with some clouds, while the temperature is still between 8 ℃/46.6℉ and -7 ℃/19.4℉. It is recommended that you wear a sweater with a coat, or a down jacket and other warm clothes. In addition, because of the dry climate, you might want to carry some moisturizing products.

Late January
The coldest days are in late January. The minimum temperature goes down to -9 ℃/15.8℉, and it is especially important to keep warm. Consequently it is suggested that you wear warm clothing such as padded or woolen clothes, a winter coat, a leather jacket, or a fur coat. You will also need to wear woolen gloves and a hat.

Historical Xi'an Weather in January

historical xian weather in januaryclick here to enlarge
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