Xi'an Weather in December

Xi'an Weather in December

It is cold and dry at this time of the year. The average maximum temperature is 8℃/46.4℉, and the lowest minimum temperature is -7℃/19.4℉. It is always sunny or cloudy this month, with no rain, and the air is very dry.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
26.6 55.4

Sunny Days: 14 days
Cloudy Days: 14 days
Rainy Days: 0 days
Overcast Days: 3 days

What to wear and bring

Early December
The lowest temperature in early December is 0℃/32℉, and the highest is 5℃/41℉. It is recommended that you wear large-padded jackets, military coats and other wind-proof clothes. Scarves and gloves are also good to keep you warm. In addition, to avoid getting a cold, you need to pay attention to the dry air too, it's a good some carry replenishing aquatic products.

Mid-December is the coldest period of the month, with the extreme low temperature of -7℃/19.4℉. Hence, keeping yourself warm is particularly important. Wear large cotton-padded clothes, down jackets and warm clothes, and thick shoes. In order to prevent wind damage, it is best to wear a knitted cap, scarf and gloves. At the same time, replenishing water is also very important.

Late December
The weather in this period is similar to mid-December. The temperature is still very low. Keep wearing heavy down jackets and avoid staying outdoors for long periods of time.

Historical Xi'an Weather in December

historical xian weather in decemberclick here to enlarge
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