Xi'an Weather in November

Xi'an Weather in November

The temperatures in November are a little lower than October. The average maximum temperature is 14℃/57.2℉, while the lowest minimum is about -3℃/26.6℉. Moreover, the temperature gap between day and night is getting larger. So you may want have layers of clothing to add and take off.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum

What to wear and bring

Early November
The temperature is between 22℃/71.6℉ and 6℃/42.8℉ during early November. There will be about 3 days of light rain with a lower temperature. Please keep yourself warm enough. It is suggested that you wear light coats, sweaters and even down jackets during this period.

The temperature begins to decrease, and the range of the minimum temperatures fluctuate between 7℃/44.6℉ and -2℃/35.6℉. The minimum temperature might even get down to -2℃/28.4℉ around the 19th. The recommended attire is a down jacket, heavy sweater and windbreaker, as well as wearing scarves and gloves to stay warm.

Late November The weather at this time is quite similar to mid-November, but the minimum temperature drops to between 0℃/32℉ and -3℃/37.4℉. The temperature gap between day and night is bigger and bigger. Heavier layers are needed for going out at night. It is better to wear a large cotton-padded jacket, trousers with cotton padding and a padded down jacket. Wool caps, scarves and gloves are also essential.

Historical Xi'an Weather in November

historical xian weather in novemberclick here to enlarge
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