Xi'an Weather in October

Xi'an Weather in October

It begins to get colder in October. The low minimum temperature may get down to 5℃/41℉, and the average temperature is about 10℃/50℉. There are more rains with about 13 rainy days in total. It usually rains heavily and consecutively for a couple of days at the beginning of the month.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
62.6 50

Sunny Days: 3 days
Cloudy Days: 8 days
Rainy Days: 13 days
Overcast Days: 7 days

What to wear and bring

Early October
Early October has a few dry and cloudy days, and for the rest you can expect heavy rain. The maximum temperature on rainy days is about 18℃/64.4℉, so it is recommended that you wear thin coats and long sleeves. An umbrella is essential for outdoors. Non-slip footwear is highly recommended.

The weather is similar to the early period, but with less rain. It might rain heavily for a day or two though, so you should be well prepared before going out. The temperature on rainy days is quite low, so you will need to put on more layers, maybe with a heavy coat.

Late October
The weather in late October can be a bit better with less rain, with only a couple of days with light rain. It is dry and sunny or cloudy on most days with the maximum temperatures between 13℃/55.4℉ and 21℃/69.8℉. Light coats and sweaters are good for outdoor activities.

Historical Xi'an Weather in October

historical xian weather in octoberclick here to enlarge
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