Break culture barriers, Experience authentic China
One-Stop Service

When it comes to planning a China trip, we will take care of everything.

Travel Safe

Safety is always our priority and we have an impeccable record.

Bespoke Experiences

Our local expertise will create a flexible and unique experience for you.


No shopping, no hidden costs and money back guarantee.

Immersive Learning & Exploration with CET

China Educational Tours (CET) was founded to offer visitors an authentic Chinese experience, blending academic learning with immersive activities. We strive to engage all senses, ensuring unique and enriching experiences in the limited time available. Our goal is for guests to feel they've lived in China, uncovering its hidden cultural gems. CET is the top choice for a meaningful and enjoyable China journey, regardless of your interests or purpose.

About us

Personalized Educational Tours by Local Experts

Our experienced local experts carefully customize China tours. Their unmatched knowledge of the area and willingness to help plan your dream holiday make them invaluable to us.

Student Tours to China

We've organized more than 50 tours and partnered with schools from diverse countries including the US, Australia, NZ, Malaysia, Thailand, PHL, and Canada. Our aim is to provide an immersive educational experience for young learners to discover the country's rich history, varied culture, and stunning landmarks.

China Educational Tours has won the trust of many international schools and a vast number of customers globally.

52 Designated School Partners
3,033 Travelers with us since 2014
China Educational Tours
96 reviews
A Certificate of Excellence

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No ideas about China? No time to learn destinations?Let us help you design a trip